His Lordship, Bishop Montfort Stima of the Diocese of Mangochi called on youths in the diocese to wake up from spiritual slumber and contribute more positively in spiritual endeavors.

On Saturday 13th October, 2018, thousands of catholic youths from the 24 parishes, primary, secondary and tertiary schools from the diocese of Mangochi, flooded at St. John the Baptist-DMI University for their Annual Youth Festival.

During the Eucharistic celebration which marked the beginning of the day, Bishop Stima emphasized much on the need for the youth to be vigilant, take their responsibilities and respond to their call and serve the church in different capacities.
Rt. Rev. Stima bemoaned on the abuse of technology by youths, He said the scenario is retarding the spiritual growth among youths as most of them spend much of their time on social media.
“It is very pathetic to note that some of you concentrate on whatsapp or facebook even during liturgical functions,” said the bishop.
Speaking on behalf of her fellow youths, Jane Kapandansalu acknowledged the bishops sentiments and prompted to say that lack of proper guidance and support from parents, leaders and pastoral agents are major bottlenecks in their endeavors. She however appreciated that amidst the challenges they are facing, the youth in the diocese have been able to hold spiritual exercises and got organized for some functions both at parish and at diocesan level.
Rev. Fr. Kondwani Matupa, assistant youth chaplain commended the bishop for his overwhelming support he renders to the youth activities in the diocese. He further called on parents to be on the forefront in as far as supporting the youth in youth ministry is concerned.

Later in the day, the youths were furnished to a tune of presentations on Islam, New Catholic answer Bible, Career Guide and the doctrine of the Holy Eucharist by Fr. Kamanga, Ms. Dzikolidaya, Mr. Kamwendo and Bishop Stima respectively.
A student from Holy Cross Catholic Private primary school, won the best prize in the bible quiz and a student from St. Monica Girls Secondary School went away with the highest prize of smartphone from the raffle draw.
While youths in the diocese celebrated their day under the theme “youth, faith and vocational discernment” youth representatives and bishops from across the world are converging in Rome-Italy, for the synod on the youth which will end on October 23, 2018. The objectives of the diocesan youth day was to allow young people to come together to share their experiences, to listen to words of faith, to look to the future together and to renew and confirm their commitment.