The Family Apostolate holds Golden Jubilee preparations for the Diocese of Mangochi

By the office of Communications

It was a busy day on 13th May 2023, for members of Family Apostolate in the diocese of Mangochi, when they met at Balaka Catholic parish in order to interact and share experiences on their ministry in family life and how they are taking part in building the church. All activities started with a talk done by the chaplain of Family Apostolate, Fr. Damasio Malajira and then the families were put into groups to discus and answer some questions. Eucharistic celebration concluded the activities of the day which was preceded by the sacrament of Confession.

Fr. Davie Mambo, the Vicar General of the diocese of Mangochi led the Eucharistic celebration. He said that the original intention of God to create marriage was that man and woman should get married to complement one another. This is contrary to the contemporary ideology of homosexuality. The family is a domestic church and a school of love and service. Parents have to listen to one another in the family and be available to their children. He also said that in this year of Diocesan Golden Jubilee, the catholic families should reflect whether they have been cooperative to the work of God in building His church. This task can be accomplished by firstly having a good family of which true love is not overlooked.

Fr. Malajira remarked that Christian couples have to make their families a paradise, where all members of their families are happy. He also advised them to still be faithful to their family vows.

On this day, all twenty-five parishes in the diocese of Mangochi were represented by Christian families which came to attend this event. There was also a presentation of certificates to 26 families which have clocked fifty years while in marriage- meaning that their families were blessed when the diocese of Mangochi was created in 1973. The Family Apostolate comprises Teams of Our Lady, Marriage Encounter and Catholic Family Movement.