The Diocese of Mangochi trains PMS animators and Lay Catechists on safeguarding the children and vulnerable adults

By the Office of Communications

For two days, parishes in the deaneries of Ulongwe, Mangochi and Nankhwali had sent representatives of Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) animators and lay catechists to St. Augustine’s (Mangochi) cathedral from 11th to 12th May 2023, to attend a workshop on protecting children and the vulnerable adults from abuses.

Fr. Lazarus Girevulo of the diocese of Mangochi who was one of the facilitators, encouraged them not to be afraid when rendering any service that aims at protecting the children and the vulnerable adults from any abuse. He also advised them that they should train their fellow PMS animators and lay catechists when they go back to their respective parishes, using the resources which they had received. They should do this in collaboration with the deans and parish priests. Whatever abuse they may perceive, they have to report to a focal person in the parishes, who can take the case to a further stage.

One of the participants of this training, Fazili Dyson Kuchombe who came from St. Augustine’s (Mangochi) cathedral, expressed happiness after attending this training since it helped him to know more about different abuses that take place to children and the vulnerable adults. He advised those who abuse other people to stop and convert their hearts because an act of abuse hinders human development.

This training was organized by the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) to make sure that the children and the vulnerable adults are safe, not only in the Catholic Church, but also in all areas because Jesus did not come to save the Jews only.