The Diocese of Mangochi holds World Day of the Children

By Catherine Meso

Just like all Catholic dioceses in the whole world, there was an observance of World Day of Children on 26th May, 2024 in the diocese of Mangochi, where, representing all children in this diocese, some of the children from five parishes of Koche, Namwera, Katema, Kausi and St. Augustine’s (Mangochi) cathedral in this diocese gathered at St. Augustine’s (Mangochi) cathedral and interacted with the bishop.

All activities of this day started with High Mass which was presided over by Rt. Rev. Montfort Stima. Being the Holy Trinity Sunday, the bishop advised the children to worship the true One God. Further, he encouraged them to be united in service and love of all people, just as the Three Persons in the Holy Trinity are also completely united. “To be filled with the Holy Spirit, we show good morals and have the spirit of honest, so that people can see the face of God in us,” said the bishop.

Fr. Matthias Thawani as the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) director of Blantyre archdiocese represented the PMS coordinator at national level. Remarking on this event, he appreciated the organization which was there and thanked bishop Stima for accepting that his diocese should lead this event at national level. He also appreciated all other bishops for their curiosity towards children. One of the comments that he made on the letter of the Pope to these children was that of continuing praying for the church and ourselves. “It is our expectation to see these children practicing what they have learnt here so that they can also teach their friends,” said Fr. Thawani.

The PMS director of the diocese of Mangochi, Fr. Paul Rappozo, was very delighted to have this event taken place in the diocese of Mangochi. He also agreed with Fr. Thawani in appreciating the bishop for making sure that the children are well taken care of, both bodily and spiritual life. Apart from commending the PMS animators for encouraging their children to come, Fr. Rappozo thanked the children for their performance on this day.

Representing the laity, Mr. Daniel Bwanali appreciated the initiative of the Pope to gather these children and allow them to interact with their bishops in the Catholic Church. However, he advised them to be disciplined children and work hard at school so as to make good leaders of the church in future.

During Mass, children choir from Koche Catholic parish led in the singing and other children from the rest of the parishes played various roles. For example, some children read a summary of the letter of the Pope to them. In the afternoon, the bishop gave a catechesis to children on Mass, after which the children displayed their activities that they prepared.

On 8th December, 2023, Pope Francis announced that in the year of 2024, all children in the Catholic church should gather together in all arch/dioceses from 25th to 26th May and interact with their bishops and archbishops. All activities should center on the theme “Behold, I make all things new” (Rev. 21:5). It is from this background that we had this event in the diocese of Mangochi. Apart from catechesis from the bishop, these children had also Bible quiz and whoever got answers right was receiving different gifts prepared by the office of PMS.