The diocese of Mangochi conducts 2023 ECM entrance Examinations

By the Office of Communications

On 20th May 2023, the diocese of Mangochi administered the entrance examinations of Standard eight learners to 24 parishes in this diocese, which were supposed to be written by those who had already sat for Malawi National Examinations Board (MANEB) examinations some few weeks ago. According to the Education Coordinator of the diocese of Mangochi, Mr. Felix Masamba, about 650 candidates sat for these examinations this year. He further said that the invigilation was better since he involved some headteachers of both primary and secondary schools to enhance security. “We are planning to creating deaneries as examination centers, so that we can also reduce the costs of invigilation,” said the coordinator.

These examinations are written annually by the standard eight learners who are about to go to different secondary schools, if selected. This initiative of introducing such Catholic examinations to these standard eight candidates was brought by the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM), as a way of giving opportunity to Catholic leaners to be selected to different secondary schools, be it the community day, district or national (secondary schools) which are within and outside the Arch/dioceses.