The Catholic Church in the Diocese of Mangochi disclaims vehemently the practice of same sex marriages in Malawi

By the Office of Communications

Peaceful demonstrations were held in the diocese of Mangochi on 13th July, 2023 from Mpondasi Catholic church to the offices of the District Commissioner of Mangochi district to express denial on same sex marriages to exist in Malawi. These demonstrations were held in coalition with members from other denominations like Islam, Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP) and some Evangelical and Pentecostal churches. As for the Catholic church, there were different church groups like Catholic Men Organization (CMO), Catholic Women Organization (CWO), Catholic Family Movement (CFM) to mention a few. The marching people carried banners and placards with the messages which showed disagreement on same sex marriages. Among others, Bishop Montfort Stima of the diocese of Mangochi, Sheikh Abdulla Kaposa of Quadria Muslim Association of Malawi (QMAM), Bishop Sydreck Kabango of Malawi Council of Churches (MCC), Pastor Jangiya Mwember of Evangelical Association of Malawi (EAM) and Sheikh Fadhi Kausuli of Muslim Association of Malawi (MAM) showed solidarity in marching with the rest.

In his speech, Sheikh Abdulla Kaposa said all Muslims in Mangochi district do not want such nasty issue to be heard again in Malawi. He called upon people to think as if they are human beings who are able to reason properly. Remarking on the same, Bishop Stima said the aim of the march is to speak out views as Malawians that the issue of homosexuality is evil. “Malawians should not be taken for granted because of poverty. Indeed, God endowed freedom to human beings, but such freedom is exercised between man and woman, hence creating these two individuals. Non-governmental organizations wish to force the government to legalize homosexuality. But this act is already evil- how can evil and destructive act be legalized? Can God be happy with sin? We cannot discuss this evil issue,” said Bishop Stima.

Before delivering a petition to Dr. Smart Gwedemula who is the District Commissioner of Mangochi district, Fr. Medrick Mlava read it publicly. It mentioned that the faith community in Malawi is concerned with attempts towards the legalization of homosexuality in the country. It also reminded that the union between man and woman is the basic unit of a society. By creating them male and female, God ordained marriage to exist between them. “From a religious point of view, homosexuality is a sin before God. Whilst God loves sinners just as He loves everybody else created in His image, He hates sin and homosexuality is one such sin,” continued Fr. Mlava. However, the petition requested that those who may have homosexuality tendencies need pastoral care.

Standing at the entrance of the fence that surround his offices, Dr. Gwedemula received the petition silently with a mild smile. The one who delivered this statement was Rt. Rev. Montfort Stima, who represented all people who came to march on this day. After all was done, people went back to their respective homes.