A week before Dinner and Dance for the Diocese of Mangochi

By the Office of Communications

It is just exactly a week before the diocese of Mangochi holds Dinner and Dance fund-raising activity for the celebration of the golden jubilee of this diocese. This activity will take place on 11th August, 2023 at Mount Soche hotel found in the archdiocese of Blantyre. Tickets were designed and are being sold at K50, 000 per head and K450, 000 per group of ten individuals.

According to the Director of Finance of the Diocese of Mangochi, Fr. Edwin Lambulira, this fundraising activity is scheduled to raise MK20 million and above. “A cloth and golf-shirts for this celebration were produced and people can buy them in order to help the diocese to raise funds for the coming celebration. Some people can also send their resources to be used on this day,” said Fr. Lambulira.

In the month of June, St. Peter’s (Utale 1) Catholic parish donated a bull to the diocese of Mangochi to use it on this big and memorable day. This Diocesan Golden jubilee celebration will take place on 07th October, 2023 at Mangochi stadium. On the same day, other priests will be celebrating their 25th anniversary in priesthood while two deacons will be ordained priests of the diocese of Mangochi.