Education Centres
St. Paul the Apostle Minor Seminary affectionally known as ‘Mother SPAS’ by the students, is found in the diocese of Mangochi and it opened its doors on 4th November 1985. It is a special institution where Catholics boys who feel called to the life of priesthood are helped to discern their vocation and are given appropriate means to strengthen and embrace this call. The seminary’s core function is therefore to lead seminarians on their journey to discover what is expected of them and respond freely and responsibly to the will of God.
St. Paul the apostle minor seminary which is found in Mangochi district is located at the foot of Chiusi Hills, along Mangochi, Namwera road, Bakili Muluzi high way.
Tribute to the Late Bishop Alessandro Assolari
The late bishop Allessandro Assolari founded this important institution with an aim of providing a conducive environment to young men who feel called to the priesthood by god to discern deeply this call and follow it. The idea was very challenging and demanding but god blessed the work.
Born on august 26, 1928 in Bergamo, Italy, he was ordained a catholic priest of the missionaries of the Company of Mary (popularly known as Montfort missionaries) on march 13, 1954. Soon after his ordination, he was dispatched on a first possible ship to serve god among the people of Madagascar then Zomba diocese in the then Nyasaland a short while later. When Mangochi was elevated prefecture apostolic of Fort Johnstone on may 29th 1969 then promoted as a diocese on September 17th 1973, he was appointed its apostolic prefect then first bishop. He retired on November 2th, 2004 and eventually died as an emeritus bishop of the diocese during his holiday in Italy on April 13 2005. He was buried in his home village in Bergamo , Italy. The diocese’s jurisdiction reigns within an area of 11,385km2 .It covers the whole part of Mangochi and parts of Machinga and Balaka districts. Until his death , Mangochi was the only diocese in Africa to have its own complete seminary formation system; Holy cross preparatory seminary at Ulongwe, the magnificient work of architecture – St Paul the Apostle Minor Seminary beneath Chiutsi Hills and the epitome of priestly formation – St John the Baptist Major Seminary overlooking Lake Malombe , housing both philosophy and theology faculties. The motto for st. paul seminary is ‘ bonum certamen certa’ Latin expression which means : ‘fight a good fight’ a biblical text from ; 1 timothy 6:12. The motto stresses the need to fight for our faith so that we can win the eternal life for ourselves and for others. It is really a call that we are all called to respond to as long as we live.
Silver Jubilee
The success of the seminary is hinged on its ability to produce priests. About 38 young men have been ordained priests and some of them have been in active priestly ministry for close to 14 years. This means that within the past 24 years st. paul the apostle minor seminary has managed to produce over half of the entire local workforce the diocese of Mangochi has.
There is a clear indication that the seminary in as long as it exists, shall give hope of some more priests to be ordained, and therefore more local clergy in the diocese. Besides those working as ordained priests, the minor seminary’s contribution in the civil society cannot be undermined. To date, about 1567 students have passed through the corridors of st. paul seminary .Of these, 25% have been ordained priests, 26% are still undergoing formation while 49% are plying various trades in the world, to the social and economic well being of our country and elsewhere.
Guided by its motto, ‘fight a good fight’, St. Paul the Apostle Minor Seminary strictly aims at educating and developing the whole person. For this reason; the seminary has four main areas of focus, namely spiritual, intellectual, social and pastoral. These are the four pillars by which the seminary is guided in its endeavor to develop young men holistically as they undertake the long journey to discern their vocation to the priesthood.
Spiritual life
During their stay in the seminary, seminarians are expected to cultivate a deep life of prayer, communal and personal, which is an important requirement in the formation of the future priests. Apart from having daily Eucharistic Celebration, the community of st. paul enjoys a daily program spiced up by moments of prayer and other spiritual activities like the daily rosary, weakly spiritual talks by the General Spiritual director, Eucharistic benediction , monthly recollections, annual retreats etc.
Name of Institution : Inter-Congregational Institute
Patron saint : Queen of Apostles
Feast Day : 31st May.
When did the Institution Start : October, 1986.
Geographical Location : Sosola Village, T/A. Nsamala, Balaka District, Balaka West Constituency.
Total Population of the students : 116 (2018 – 2019 Academic Year)
Number of Congregations : Five (Missionaries of Africa, Holy Ghost Fathers, Montfort Missionaries, Comboni Missionaries of the heart of Jesus and The Order of the Discalced Carmelite).
The Inter-Congregational Seminary (ICS), an Institute of Philosophy and Religious Studies was founded by the Association of Male Religious in Malawi (AMRIM), in 1986, under the help and support of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi. Before the establishment of the ICS, the Religious and Missionary Congregations were sending their students either outside the country or to the local diocesan seminaries for their basic formation.
The ICS started initially with two congregations Society of Mary (SMM) and the Comboni Missionaries of the heart of Jesus (MCCJ).Prior to the completion of the construction of ICS buildings, formation began at the Montfort house in the Media compound in 1986 with seven Montfort students. In 1987, the common facilities and the Montfort Community buildings were completed. In 1988, the First Comboni students were enrolled. They were residing together with Montfort students before their Community Houses were completed. The Order of the Discalced Carmelites (OCD) and the Holy Ghost Fathers (CSSP) joined in 1990 and 1996 respectively. The Poverelle Sisters and the Sacramentine Sisters joined the ICS in 1996, the Capuchin Franciscans in 2002 and in 2007 the Missionaries of Africa also joined ICS.
Among the many successes of the ICS is its inclusive approach towards gender, being open from the beginning to admission of female students. Throughout these years the ICS has accomplished the purpose for which it was founded by providing academic and religious basic formation to students.
In 2010, the name of Inter-Congregational Seminary (ICS) was changed to Inter-Congregational Institute (ICI). The change was because the institute was now open to admit outside students, and start other courses. This has contributed to the formation of many other people who followed a different vocation and are now exemplary citizens in the civil society.
In the same year 2010, ICI was affiliated to the Catholic University of Malawi (CUNIMA) and the 2010 finalists were awarded Diploma by the CUNIMA.
From 2014 up to date finalists are receiving degrees from CUNIMA
The main competence of ICI lies in academic matters. The institution offers a three year course of tertiary studies that are components of Philosophy, Religious studies and social Sciences. Successful candidates are awarded Degrees and Diplomas from CUNIMA, Diplomas and Certificates from ICI according to the courses completed.
ICI celebrated its silver jubilee in 2011.
About Us
DMI- St. John the Baptist University (DMISJBU) is a part of the internationally acclaimed and renowned DMI Group of Institutions run by the congregations of MMI Fathers and DMI Sisters. The DMI- SJBU of Malawi was approved on 29th March 2011 by the Government of Malawi and accredited by National Council for Higher Education. DMI-ST.JOHN THE BAPTIST UNIVERSITY was established in Malawi for the welfare and upliftment of the Malawian youth.
The Founder of the University gave a farsighted vision for the University which spells out its ambition.
It is To Spearhead Employable Education in Africa and Become Part of its History.
Capacity Building of children of Africa.
To meet the Emerging Challenges happening in the World.
By Imparting Quality Employable Education with Discipline.
Tujimuche Technical College (TUTECO) is a privately owned and highly reputable learning institution under the proprietorship and management of the Catholic Diocese of Mangochi. It was instituted to provide holistic quality and relevant professional training within the framework of Catholic education as stipulated by Vatican II document “Declaration on Christian Education – Gravissimum Educationis.
The College operates in both Formal and Informal sector within the Malawi TEVET Qualification Framework. The College is accredited and certified by Malawi TEVET authority (TEVETA-MW) and Association of Business Managers & Administrators (ABMA – UK) to offer TEVET Courses and ABMA courses respectively.
TUTECO is for both boys and girls who are willing to become experts in various technical and non-technical fields. Boarding facilities for both girls and boys are available at the college.
Tujimuche Technical College is located in Chiwina village T/A Jalasi, Mangochi District – Malawi (40Km from Mangochi Town or 120 Km from Liwonde through Ntaja).
To provide holistic, relevant Technical and Vocational Training to young people for job creation, self-reliance and livelihood.
To provide Technical and Vocational Training to young people and ensure high quality and productive workforce for sustainable social, economic and human development.
- To provide holistic and relevant professional training to young people in Malawi.
- To create responsible citizens enriched with professional skills for a purpose of providing services to the communities.
- To enhance human capacities by creating a pool of empowered crafts men and women employable within communities.
- To develop human skills for job creation, self-reliance and livelihood.
- To ensure availability of relevant skills needed to contribute to the social, human, economic development of local communities and Malawi as a nation.
- Carpentry & Joinery (Formal TEVET)
- Automobile Mechanics (Formal TEVET)
- Information and Communication Technology (formal TEVET)
- Electrical Installation & Electronics (TEVET informal)
- Fabrication and Welding (TEVET informal)
- Computing & Information Systems (ABMA)
- Computer Engineering (ABMA)
- Human Resources Management (ABMA)
- Community Development (ABMA)
- Agriculture (SAQA)
- Accounting (ICAM)
Care Centres
Utale II Centre for Leper Destitutes
Mobile: (+265) 8 88 526 610/9 99 929 471
John XXIII Centre
Hostel for the Handicapped Children
P.O. Box 42, BALAKA
Tel: (+265) 01 954 017
Alleluya Orphanage Centre
P.O. Box 50, NAMWERA
Tel: (+265) 01 580 029
Mobile: (+265) 8 88 504 538
Health Centres
Luwalika Health Centre also called Makanjira Health Centre is one of the oldest health facilities in Mangochi Diocese. It was established in 1975 and is under The Administration of Namwera Catholic Parish.
To provide maternal and child health, curative health services and fight against HIV/AIDs in the communities.
It is located in Makanjira Village in T/A Katuli east of Mangochi and is 12 km away from the nearest government health centre, Katuli Health Centre. It is approximately 85 kilometers away from Mangochi and is one of the hard to reach facilities in Mangochi.
Luwalika health Centre has a catchment area of 24,110 population.
Luwalika health Centre has 8 beds. It provides a number of health and medical services for both in-patients and out-patients. Services provided include;
- Outpatient department (OPD)
- Antenatal and Post-natal care
- Under Five children clinic
- Sexual and Reproductive health information
- HIV testing and Counseling, PMTCT, ART, PEP
- Youth recreation and Peer education
- Prevention, Diagnosis and management of sexually transmitted infection, Cervical cancer and other RH related health problems
- Youth friendly services
Luwalika health centre has 8 houses. Some staff members live outside the campus. the houses are old and dilapidated. The houses need to rehabilitate and also to build other houses. Patient attendant houses they have only one room. It’s difficult for big families.
Way Forward
The Catholic Health Commission has made initial contact with Manos Unidas of Spain for financial support for the rehabilitation of the facility’s infrastructure. Manos Unidas is a traditional donor of Catholic Health Commission and has already supported the rehabilitation of Mase and Lugola (Saiti Masungu) Health Centres and is now supporting the rehabilitation of Katema Health Centre and the completion of the rehabilitation works is expected by January 2018. If all goes well, The Commission expects to start rehabilitation of the health centre mid-2019. The rehabilitation package will include the rehabilitation of the structure itself, construction of TB room, provision of solar-powered borehole to provide running water to the facility as well as staff houses among others. This will enable the facility to improve service delivery as well as qualify it to be under Service Level Agreement (SLA) with Malawi Government through Christian Health Association of Malawi (CHAM). SLA is an arrangement between the government and the health facility whereby the facility provides selected health services especially maternal and child health services to the community for free and the government reimburses the facility the cost of services provided plus a small amount which acts as a profit to the facility.
Nsanama Catholic Hearth Center was established in 22nd of November 1973 by Fr Luciano a Montfort Missionary, the clinic was opened to fill the Health service gap that was there during the 1970s where people used to cover a distance of 30 kilometers or more in order to access the much needed health services. At that time the clinic was only offering OPD services. Later on the clinic was expanded in order to accommodate the fast growing number of patients, the health Centre has become well known for its high standards of care, under the governance of Mangochi Diocese and CHAM.
This health centre is located along Bakili Muluzi highway, in T/A Nsanama’s area. 38 kilometers from Liwonde,
Phalula Heath Center is a CHAM facility within the diocese of Mangochi. It is in the South Eastern side of Malawi and in the southern part of Balaka District.
The facility is along the M1 road, 44KM from Balaka Boma.
It was opened in 1977 by Fr. Lossa, of Montfort Missionaries by then based in Kankao parish, in Mangochi diocese. It was opened as a clinic and it was upgraded to a Health center in 1979
Phalula Health Center serves a total population of about 22890. These are coming from 79 villages from 14 Group Village Heads. Apart from these villages the facility also attends to other clients from the neighbouring districts of Neno and Ntcheu.
Phalula Health Center offers OPD, Antenatal and Maternity, ART Clinic, Nutrition and Rehabilitation Unit, Under 5 Clinic, HIV Testing and Counselling, TB services.
These services are provided by, Medical assistants, Nurses, Health Surveillance, Home Craft-workers, HTC Counselors, Patients Attendants and Ground labourers plus Watchmen. Currently the facility does not have a Clinical Officer and Community nurse.
We look forward to upgrading the facility to a Rural Community Hospital if funds permit.
Ulongwe Health Centre is one of the oldest facility in Mangochi diocese. It was established in 1970 and officially opened on 14th August the same year by Fr. Remigio Villa a Montfort missionary with an aim of providing basic medical services to the surrounding communities. Then the facility had OPD and Maternity infrastructure. In 2006, the guardian shelter and antenatal building was constructed with funding from Safe Motherhood.
It is located at Ulongwe along Zomba-Mangochi road in T/A Kalembo`s Area. Its nearest health facilities are Kalembo and Nandumbo Health Centres
run by the government.
Ulongwe Health Centre has a catchment area of 19,220. The furthest distance from the Health Centre is Chikolongo about 12 kilometers.
Ulongwe Health Centre has approximately 16 Beds in Maternity wing. The OPD does not admit or observe the Patients due to lack of Beds though the rooms are there. It provides a number of Health and Medical services on both inpatients and outpatients basis.
Dispensary Room
· Out Patient department (OPD)
· Antenatal care
· Labour and delivering
· Post Natal Care
· Under Five Child Clinic
· Supplementary Feeding Programme (SFP) and Outpatient Therapeutic Programme (OTP)
· HIV Testing Services
· Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) clinic
· Sexually transmitted infections (STI) clinic
· Youth Friendly services.
Some of the Staff at Ulongwe Catholic Health Centre
Nurse In charge: Francisca Kazembe
Clerical Officer: Patrick Kantande
Pharmacy Attendant: Nedson Joseph

There are also two other Nurse Midwife Technicians and one community Health Nurse.
The rest of the staff includes:
· 4 Homecraft workers
· 1 driver
· 10 Patient attendants
· 1 Cashier
· 5 Security Guards
· 2 Ground Labourers
· 1 Pharmacy Attendant
· Laboratory Assistant
· 1 Clerical Officer
· 1 Accounts Assistant
· 9 Health Surveillance Assistants
· 4 Health Workers
· 3 HIV Testing and counseling Counselors
The total number of staff therefore is 49.
The facility has no any means of transport, it has an old Ambulance which is now beyond repair.
For referrals, the facility borrows cars from the Parish Priests.
Ulongwe Health Centre has a housing problem. There are only 6 houses meaning that most of the staff members live outside the compass. Besides that, the houses are old and dilapidated. In addition to this, the houses are small hence can not accommodate big families.
Sr Martha health Centre is one of the oldest health facility in Mangochi Diocese. It was established in 1969 by Fr.Emilio Nozza, a Montfort missionary with an aim of providing basic medical service to the surrounding communities. Initially the Clinic was just a dispensary and unable to accommodate and treat many patients. In 1974 it grew up and started assisting many patient. The Health Centre is run by Namwera Catholic Parish under Mangochi Diocese.
It is located approximately 45km from Mangochi District. It is found in Ngao village T/A Jalasi. Approximately 5km from Namwera parish.
Sr Martha Health Centre has a catchment area of 15,694.The furthest distance from the health Centre is 15km
Sr Martha health Centre has 8 postnatal beds. It provides OPD, maternity services and other services include:
- Outpatient department
- Antenatal Clinic
- Labour and delivery
- Postnatal clinic
- Under 5 clinic
- HIV counseling and testing
- Anti-Retroviral therapy(ART) clinic
- Sexual transmitted infection
Some of the staff at Sr Martha Health Centre
In-charge: Alexina Msiska
Accountant: Sandra Chimwala
Pharmacy Assistant: Camia Mbulaje & Pauline Ntakati
Ivy T. Malimba: A nurse at Sr Martha health Centre
There are also two other nurses both registered. The rest of staff include:
- 1 medical assistant
- 1 dental attendant
- 1 driver
- 1 home craft worker
- 1 data clerk
- 1 plumber
- 2 ground staff
- 4 patient attendant
- 3 hospital attendant
- 6 health surveillance assistant
- 1 security guard
The total number of staff therefore is twenty 28.
Sr Martha health Centre has a housing problem. There are 21 houses which are old and dilapidated small to accommodate big families, some with no toilet and bathrooms.
Some of Sr Martha’s houses
Contact Details
Sr Martha Health Centre
P.O.Box 7

Utale II Health Centre was established in 1979 by a Montfort Father, Father Maggioni, the basic aim of establishing the health centre was to provide healthcare to people around and also treat some leprosy people who were numerous by then. It has a small section which deals with skin diseases and any leprosy symptoms.
The health centre is under the Diocese of Mangochi. It has five out-reach clinics and it also promote Maternal, Neonatal and Child health in Malawi.
It is located in Balaka District, in T/A Nkaya area. And it is a health centre that is 35 Kilometres away from a district hospital. It is one of the health centres in hard to reach areas.
It has a catchment area of 14,193 people. It serves 25 villages.
Utale Health offers a number of serves as follows:
- Out Patient Department (OPD)
- Anti-retro Viral Therapy (ART)
- Under five Clinic
- Antenatal Clinic (ANC)
- Labour and Delivery (Maternity)
- Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA)
- Cancer Screening (VIA)
- HIV Testing and Counseling (HTC)
- Out Patient Therapeutic program (OTP)
- Nutritional Rehabilitation Unit (NRU)
- Under-five out-reach clinic.

Total Number of workers is 37
>One Medical Assistant
>Two Nurse Midwives
>One Community Midwife
>Six Health Surveillance Assistants
>Four Home craft Workers
>Twelve Patient Attendants
>Two Hospital Attendants
>Four Ground Labourers
>One Plumber
>One Clerk
>One Accounts assistant
>Three guards

Utale II health Centre
Mangochi Diocese
P.o Box 202
Media Houses

LUNTHA TELEVISION is a conceived idea of The Montfort Missionaries to start a Christian television station as early as 1982. However, due to the political environment in Malawi at that time, they began to implement it as Kuwala Video Production studio in order to educate and evangelize through electronic images. Kuwala Studios were based at Ulongwe in Balaka District. The Malawi Communication Regulatory Authority granted Montfort Missionaries a television licence for Luntha TV in 2005. Luntha started beaming from Kuwala studios in Ulongwe on 27 May 2007. Upon completion of construction of the television buildings in August, 2008, the station moved from Ulongwe to Balaka.
Luntha TV has qualified and experienced staff who produce quality feature, documentary and television broadcast programs that deal with a number of issues concerning society, development, culture, faith and family values,
as guided by the audience research that was conducted in 2009. Following the citizen approach, our programs are interactive, their content ranging from information, education, entertainment, relaxation to spiritual uplifting. Upon invitation, Luntha TV does event coverage and post production broadcasting. We also do promotional, sponsored and commercial productions on request.
Luntha TV is a Catholic media house. Our values are based on our identity and guided by the Gospel values with respect to the Vatican Council II documents Gaudium et Spes and Inter Mirifica, the Special Synods of Africa (1995 and 2009) as well as the mission of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM). The station promotes sanctity of life, unity and solidarity of all the people as a family of God, reconciliation, Justice and peace, contact and dialogue and inclusiveness rather than exclusiveness. Luntha TV accommodates every Christian as well as people of other creeds
Luntha Tv boasts of quality twenty four hours quality broadcasting, seven days per week and the station enjoys good relation with Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) which is an established international Catholic television station; many visual electronic media production studios in the region which include the United Nations’ IRIN, Kenya Episcopal Conference’s Ukweli Video Productions, the Zambia-Malawi Jesuit Provinces’ Loyola Video productions and the Pauline’s Audial-Visual – Africa. These links bring to our viewers regional as well as global contents.
Locally Luntha TV partners with many non-governmental organizations such as NICE, ADRA, World Vision, YONECO, DREAM Project, CADECOM and CCJP. The station has had many productions in both English and Chichewa which are used as teaching, promotional and counselling tools by educational institutions, churches and non-governmental organizations in both rural and urban areas. It is only Luntha TV as a television station that constantly conducts audience researchs so as to determine and satisfy the needs of its viewers.
RADIO MARIA is a broadcasting initiative, which was started in Italy by a group of Catholics, both priests and lay people. It aims at spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ to all people of good will. The radio is not commercially funded through advertisement, but lives solely by means of the generous donations of its listeners and the contributions of its volunteers.
On Radio Maria Malawi website you can listen to their live broadcast.
Rev. Fr. Joseph Kimu
Radio Maria Malawi Director
Please take the time to make a small donation to help us evangelise to poor souls. May God bless you all.
Radio Maria is an ecclesial broadcasting initiative, founded by a group of Catholics; both the clergy and laity as a parish radio station in 1983, in Arcellasco d’Erba, in the province of Como in the Diocese of Milan, Italy.
It came out of the desire by priests to reach the greatest number possible of their faithful, particularly the sick. The purpose of the radio was to provide news to parishioners and help them in prayer by broadcasting the Mass and the Rosary. Therefore they were placing antennas on their bell towers to access the transmissions.
Radio Maria maintained this characteristic until January 1987, when the Radio Maria Association was founded, composed of priests and lay people, with the aim of making the station independent from the parish and involving it in a wider scale of evangelization.

In three years, its radio programming was completely redesigned, thanks to the collaboration of individuals with different ecclesiastical backgrounds, but all committed to bearing witness to their faith. The whole of Italy was quickly covered at the same time, so that in 1990 Radio Maria was considered a national radio station. It began expanding to the rest of the world starting in the 1990’s. Today there are more than 50 Radio Maria stations in the world and many more are getting ready to start broadcasting.
Radio Maria is an extraordinary tool for spreading the Gospel, much more so than television because it can reach people anywhere and everywhere: at home, work and in the car. It is a work of evangelization through mass media based on volunteer work, which is one of its prestigious features.
The radio also acts as an instrument of solace, offering words of comfort to those who are sick, ill, alone, suffering in body and soul, detainees, prisoners and the elderly. Although the target audience of Radio Maria listeners is well represented by listeners of varying ages and educational backgrounds, priority is clearly given to humble and simple souls which the Gospel speaks of. There are numerous daily witnesses of people who have returned to God by listening to Radio Maria.
Due to its spiritual nature, Radio Maria excludes all types of advertising, which is currently considered indispensable even by the Catholic mass media. Its financing comes exclusively from donations by listeners who are the ones who make the final decision as to whether this type of experience should continue.