
The Family Apostolate holds Golden Jubilee preparations for the Diocese of Mangochi

By the office of Communications It was a busy day on 13th May 2023, for members of Family Apostolate in the diocese of Mangochi, when they met at Balaka Catholic parish in order to interact and share experiences on their ministry in family life and how they are taking part in building the church. All

The Family Apostolate holds Golden Jubilee preparations for the Diocese of Mangochi Read More »

The Diocese of Mangochi trains PMS animators and Lay Catechists on safeguarding the children and vulnerable adults

By the Office of Communications For two days, parishes in the deaneries of Ulongwe, Mangochi and Nankhwali had sent representatives of Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) animators and lay catechists to St. Augustine’s (Mangochi) cathedral from 11th to 12th May 2023, to attend a workshop on protecting children and the vulnerable adults from abuses. Fr. Lazarus

The Diocese of Mangochi trains PMS animators and Lay Catechists on safeguarding the children and vulnerable adults Read More »

Bishop Stima Confirms some Christians at St. Joseph- Namalaka Catholic Parish

By the Office of Communications Some of the Christians at St. Joseph- Namalaka Catholic parish which is found in the diocese of Mangochi got confirmed on Sunday, the 07th May, 2023 when Bishop Stima visited this parish. On the same day, the parish was also celebrating the feast of its patron saint, St. Joseph the

Bishop Stima Confirms some Christians at St. Joseph- Namalaka Catholic Parish Read More »

CADECOM plans for an implementation of an aid from Caritas Italiana

By the Office of Communications The was a meeting yesterday on 27th April, 2023, at the bishop’s house of the diocese of Mangochi between the delegates from the Catholic Secretariat especially those in the Social Development Directorate and the diocese of Mangochi especially some of those who serve at the diocesan offices. From the Catholic Secretariat,

CADECOM plans for an implementation of an aid from Caritas Italiana Read More »