
The Diocese of Mangochi holds a Diocesan golden jubilee Youth rally

By the Office of Communications It was a busy day for the youth of the Diocese of Mangochi on 24th June, 2023, when they had a diocesan youth rally which was held at St. Augustine’s (Mangochi) Cathedral parish. This rally was part of various preparations for the celebration of the golden jubilee of the Diocese […]

The Diocese of Mangochi holds a Diocesan golden jubilee Youth rally Read More »

Cyclone Freddy survivors commend Caritas Malawi for a donation given

By the Office of Communications The Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) through Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM) of the Diocese of Mangochi has been distributing some hand-outs to 2, 000 households who are the survivors of Cyclone Freddy which hit Malawi especially in its southern part in the month of March. The aid has

Cyclone Freddy survivors commend Caritas Malawi for a donation given Read More »

Caritas Malawi in the diocese of Mangochi donates food and non-food items to Cyclone Freddy Survivors

By the Office of Communications There were smiles on the faces of some of the people in the Traditional Authority Nsanama on 22nd June, 2023, when the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM), through the Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (also known as Caritas Malawi) of the diocese of Mangochi, distributed food and non-food supplies to

Caritas Malawi in the diocese of Mangochi donates food and non-food items to Cyclone Freddy Survivors Read More »

Pastoral agents should evangelize by being available to Christians- Bishop Stima underscores

By the Office of Communications On 17th June, 2023, there was a meeting between the bishop of the diocese of Mangochi, Rt. Rev. Montfort Stima with religious sisters of all congregations that are found in his diocese. This meeting was preceded by the Eucharistic celebration, which was presided over by the bishop himself. The diocese

Pastoral agents should evangelize by being available to Christians- Bishop Stima underscores Read More »

The Diocese of Mangochi organizes a fund-raising activity in preparation for a diocesan golden jubilee celebration

By the Office of Communications As days draw closer to the actual day of golden jubilee celebration of the Diocese of Mangochi, various church groups and committees are eventful, making relevant things move towards an accomplishment of it. Different church groups like Catholic Men Organization (CMO), Catholic Women Organization (CWO), the Youth and many more

The Diocese of Mangochi organizes a fund-raising activity in preparation for a diocesan golden jubilee celebration Read More »

The diocese of Mangochi conducts 2023 ECM entrance Examinations

By the Office of Communications On 20th May 2023, the diocese of Mangochi administered the entrance examinations of Standard eight learners to 24 parishes in this diocese, which were supposed to be written by those who had already sat for Malawi National Examinations Board (MANEB) examinations some few weeks ago. According to the Education Coordinator

The diocese of Mangochi conducts 2023 ECM entrance Examinations Read More »